12 Married years…

Cliff and I celebrated our twelfth wedding anniversary this year.  To mark the occasion we went to see the Parlotones Orchestrated show at Montecasino and oh my word, it was FANTASTIC!


I’ve always loved the Parlotones but Kahn has this amazingly natural energy when performing live and honestly the orchestral element to the show really blew it out of the water.

I had so much fun taking in the incredible lighting (having worked in a theatre in a competing casino highlighted my interest in stuff like set design and how technical lighting is) and singing along to all the tunes that I normally sing in the car whilst stuck in traffic.


I loved how the music director was SO INTO his job for the night and when they did their rendition of “Lisa se Klavier” well I got goosebumps!  We even got to meet Lira after the show when we went for cocktails.  Now she annoys me on The Voice SA but what a sweet woman.


I’ve learned that even after twelve years of marriage I still have the best fun with this man that was chosen for me.  When we get the chance to just be us and let our hair down, he is still the one I wish to laugh, sing and be silly with.

Thank you my love for TWELVE wonderful (and challenging) years.